Monday, April 14, 2008

Using a Wiki

I can't remember where if read this or heard it during a presentation - but I found a scribble on a piece of paper that take my phone messages on and I wanted to document it so that I don't lose the idea.

Using a wiki to have students write and answer exam questions for exams. This would double as a way to get students involved with their own learning and also help them study for the exam. It also helps me or the instructor create exams that coincide with student learning.

I also heard of instructors who have students help them plan the syllabus for the class - a wiki would work for this as well. If I remember the instructor would send out a survey several weeks before class to get an idea of how many exams the students would like, what type of work they preferred group or individual, and other course structures that wouldn't effect the content of the course. If you had a wiki created students could edit the parts you allowed and students would have an idea of what the course would entail. This is something that would at least be worth trying.

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