Thursday, May 28, 2009

I start my internship today

Today is my first day of my internship for my master's in community college administration. I am excited about what is going to go on this summer because I will get to experience what it is like (in a limited way) what a CIO does day to day.

I have 3 main objectives with this internship - 1) observe the day to day responsibilities of a CIO, 2) facilitate OTS (Office of Technology Services) all staff meetings, OTS managers meetings, and give a presentation open to the entire San Juan College campus community - or at least to the folks who come ;), 3) develop a strategic technology plan forecasting what technologies/trends the college will need to anticipate in the coming year, 2 years, and 3 years from now.

During my internship I am going to document my experience here on my blog and so there will be postings (daily) that describe my experiences with the meetings I facilitated or the presentation I gave or summaries of articles, technologies, or trends that I have found.

Who knows maybe the constant blogging will get me in the habit and I will want to continue my semi-daily postings - we will see.

Here we go Day 1 of 70!

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