Tuesday, April 21, 2009

dailyPosts 04/21/2009

  • tags: online, student, support, success coach

    • Success coaches
    • Regardless of their background, they have a common interest in education and student success and have been trained as student service generalists who understand admissions, financial aid, registration, bursar policies, and academic support resources.
      • Isn't this what Tim S. is always talking about .... we need to get some front line staff who can in all areas to suport students and know where to send them when they don't know the answer - we need to LEVERAGE Student Services! - post by discosam
    • But if an institution expects to support students, grow enrollment and live up to a promise of being learner-centered, the provision of a success coach as a single point of contact is very important. That is because students demand, deserve, and expect to not get the run-around.
    • Students don’t want to have to contact four different offices to obtain answers on how to switch courses or resolve a student billing question.
  • tags: online, charter, school

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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